Getting To and From School


A great way to start the morning and even more with friends! Make sure you cross at the crosswalks. There are crossing guards at Oregon & Shattuck, Oregon & Fulton, and at Ellsworth & Oregon every day before and after school. Ask your child's teacher where your child’s scooter or skateboard can be parked. Learn more about safe routes to walk to school (also in Spanish).


Share driving duties with another family or pick up them up on the way. It’s more fun for the kids, less work for the grown-ups, and less traffic around school. And you can use the Rolling Drop Off for even more efficiency!) Can't carpool every day? Even once a week makes a big difference.


Another great way to start the morning! Biking families can drop off students at the Fulton gate. If your student’s bike needs to be locked up, please enter at the Russell gate and use the bike racks inside the yard. Learn more about safe routes to bike to school (also in Spanish).


The volunteer-run Rolling Drop Off on Ellsworth is the safest and most efficient way to drive your child to school. Learn more about using and volunteering for Rolling Drop Off.


Elementary students who live within their zone of attendance and beyond the 1.5 mile “walk boundary” are eligible for BUSD School Bus services. Contact the Transportation Office at 510-644-6182 to register, or check out their website for more information. Specific bus stop location and times are mailed to eligible bus riders the week before school starts.
Note: students are met by SMES staff at the bus each morning on Russell St and walked into the school yard. In the afternoon, students are escorted from their classes to the buses.


Sometimes you need to park and go into school. Park a block or two away and walk the rest. All the benefits of walking and driving combined! Check the signs for parking restrictions (street sweeping, etc.), do not park in red zones, and do not block driveways.