
While this website is intended to provide a lot of general information about Sylvia Mendez school, it is not meant to be the way that families in the school will receive regular updates about school life. For regular notifications about upcoming events and issues that effect the Sylvia Mendez community, you can engage in the following ways:

Weekly Emails from Principal

Please contact our Principal if you are not receiving weekly updates.


Remind is an application the principal, teachers and affinity groups use for communication. When you sign up you can choose your preferred language for communication and how you’d like to receive notifications (via email, text, or in-app notification).

Not sure how to sign up?

  1. Download the Remind app from the App Store/Play Store and click "Create Account."

  2. Contact the PTA to receive ensure that you’re in the right groups to receive event information and updates.

To change preferred language or notification preferences in the app, click on the hamburger menu. Then click on Account Settings. From here, click on Notifications, and you can choose text, email and/or push (delivered right to your phone). Or click on Preferred Language, and select yours, so messages will be translated for you.

PTA email list

While the Remind app offers the most regular communications from Sylvia Mendez School, we do occasionally send communication via email as well. To be included in this communication fill out our Family Engagement from when you come back from summer break or please contact us.