Parents, guardians, and other school volunteers from the community play a vital role in supporting our students and teachers.  We encourage all Sylvia Mendez parents and guardians to help out where they can . . . even just an hour or two is a huge contribution.

There are ongoing and emergent school initiatives that need volunteer.

We will post volunteer requests on Remind, through your Room Parent, and/or our Principal will share in her weekly email.

Also there are leadership roles open with this year:

  • Website Administrator: Our website is a hub of information for curious and incoming families. While much of our community information is maintained through other communications, we do need to keep our site updated.
    Job duties include: Review and update website at the start of the school year, and when applicable throughout the year.

  • Remind PTA Moderator: We are currently using a mobile application called Remind for much of our inter-school communication. For this, we need someone as a focal point to maintain consistency in messaging to help with regular communications to the community.

    Job duties include: Work with the Communications Committee, Room Parent Coordinators, and the school administration to ensure timely messages to the Sylvia Mendez community.

  • Events Leader: When events are allowed at the school again, we will need someone to help coordinate and run them.

    Job duties include: Help hosts organize, network with the Volunteer Coordinator to gather volunteers, and gain approvals necessary from the school and district.

  • Co-Room Parent Coordinator: Join an already strong team of Room Parent Coordinators to assist where and when possible!

    Job duties include: Establish connections between teachers and parents through regular communication. Current Room Parent Coordinators have an effective system and will help to get new Co-RPC up to speed.

  • Budget Committee: Members of this committee are led by the Treasurer and Financial Secretary to prepare a budget as a financial plan for the upcoming school year.
    Job duties include: Review current year spending and discuss upcoming needs. Set up preliminary budget to be reviewed by Executive Board prior to general membership discussion and approval.

  • Nominating Committee: Launched and mentored by the Parliamentarian, this committee reviews open positions and suggests members to serve. Student board member should be included as well.
    Job duties include: Seeks and requests volunteers to serve in open positions that assist in the mission of the PTA and overall Sylvia Mendez community.

  • Audit Committee: Chaired by the Auditor (or conducted by qualified accountant), we’re seeking volunteers to serve on the committee (to formally be “appointed” by the executive board and ratified by membership). Audits are completed twice each school year (mid-year and year-end) at a minimum (and when financial officers/check signers are replaced, bank account is closed, and whenever deemed necessary).
    Job duties include: Conduct semi-annual audits in accordance with the Audit Checklist to review financial records, books, and reports, Meeting Minutes, Unit Bylaws and Standing Rules, and state/federal government tax filings and report forms.

  • Filled Grant Writing: Our community has been strong at supporting the additional financial needs of our students and staff. However, grants are helpful ways to supplement our fundraising efforts and can address specific needs, requiring less from the community itself. Further, they can offset some of the annual uncertainty regarding budgets and allocations.

    Job duties include: Solicit grants for specific needs from local and national organizations. Write and submit organized and compelling proposals.


  • Volunteer for a regular hour in the classroom, cafeteria, library, or on the playground

  • Be a Room Parent!

  • Chaperone a field trip (when they’re available again)

  • Work a shift at school events

  • Work a shift in the Rolling Drop-Off

  • Attend PTA meetings

  • Help organize school activities or programs

  • Participate in school clean-up days

  • Translate documents from English to Spanish

  • Copy and put up flyers around the school

  • Donate services or supplies, baked goods, or drinks

  • Participate in parent organizations or committees