CHICAS CORRIENDO (Aùn a determinar para 21-22
Chicas Corriendo pretender inspirar, motivar e impulsar niñas para llegar a ser lo que desean y aspiran.
Chicas Corriendo es un programa bilingue fundado por cinco educadoras y esta orientado a niñas en grados desde 3ro a 5to. Como maestras hemos tomado la responsabilidad de enseñar mas alla del salon de clase. Nos dimos cuenta de que habia una necesidad para que nuestras niñas tuvieran un espacio para expresar su capacidad como lideres, un espacio donde fueran impulsadas a actuar con intencion y proposito. Les enseñamos a estar enfocadas y a trabajar duro para vencer sobre sus propias barreras mentales y darse cuenta de la fuerza que existe en su interior.
We start each session with a community meeting focusing on heroes, health, and empowerment. After our community meetings we move on to our running sessions. In our running journeys, we learn about goal setting, pushing through a hardship, being in tune with our bodies to self-care, all of which are excellent skills to have in order to live a healthy life.
We seek to inspire them to create connections between them and to understand that this interconnectedness will positively impact the rest of their community. They are the world they want to see and live in.
Led By Maestra Estrada, Maestra Frias, Maestra Lupercio, Maestra Joseph and Maestre Lourdes.
PRACTICE and schedule
Tuesdays & Thursdays. 3:00 - 3:45
3pm - meet in a classroom, currently salon 203
3:20pm - mini-leccion
3:20 - 3:45pm - physical training
Community runs
These are practice runs to give the girls an opportunity to measure their abilities and get confidence. Running distance increase with every practice.
Cesar Chavez Park / Berkeley - 11.16.2019 - 10am (Completed)
Aquatic Park / Berkeley - 01.10.2020 - 10am (Completed)
Lake Merrit / Oakland - 03.14.2020 - 10am
Our Chicas will run 5K Marathon. Each Chica will be accompanied by a running body. Everyone is welcome to participate to support our Chicas!
March 22, 2020 – Oakland Marathon